My mom has been a great influence to many areas of my life. She has been through many adversities which causes her to be an excellent teacher from experience. Through her I have learned the importance of individualism, religion, and education.
I always knew that my mom was different, she always did her own things, her own way, and on her own time. Never once did she follow what everyone else was doing, and be observing this I grew a sense of indvidualism. I used to always want to get the latest pair of shoe, or the new clothing trends, and everytime I would pull out a peice of cash, she would always ask me why I was always trying to do what everyone else does. I had know legit explanation for this, which took me a while to figure out, and once I finally did I looked back at myself and thought of how ridiculous I was; spending my money on something that I would see about fifty other people wearing. It was pointless. I than began realizing that if I continued to act this way, what would be the purpose of me doing anything since someone had already did it; that was not the person I wanted to be. So I started dressing my own way, acting my own way, talking my own way, and doing everything that was possible to be done .. my own way; swagg. In colllege this will be real important because it is a great opportunity to meet new people of different cultures, background, genders, everything. But if you act just the same as the other person, what fun will it be? It will allow me to expand my horizon and maybe expand others, letting them discover all of the secrets my personality hides, and vise versa.
Religion has always been an important factor in my life. Every since I was an embryo my mom has brung mr to church every single Sunday morning. Although when I got older I may not have enjoyed it so much I still went. It became more of a routine, but then it turned into something I actually enjoyed. She introduced me God and told me to always walk by faith and to never ever walk by sight. This meant that whatever I was going through to just nalways have faith that everything was goingto be alright. Even though my sight may percieve something as being difficult, in reality, if I set my mind to it I could do it. She has instilled in my mind to take whatever problems I maybe having to God and He willl take care of it all. College is the perfect time for much stress, temptation, and many sins to occur and using this faith that my mother has brought upon me will help guide me through everything. My religion is basically the foundation of all my essential values.
The last value thatt my mother has guided me to discover is my education. My mom was the youngest of fourteen children and being that the income of the family was not very high, it made the situation worse. My mom graduated high school, but she didn't have the finances or resources to go on to college. This caused her to be a disadvantage in society, seeing that majority of employment is based on one's education. The more education, the more money you made and it was a s simply as that. As of today, nothing has changed, since my mom still never got an education past high school. She is working eight hours a day, to provide for four children. Seeing her live her life from paycheck to paycheck is devestating. Always being stressed about how the bills are going to get paid, what to eat for dinner that day, or how she was going to pay for senior pictures, cheerleading bill, and just everyday exspenses; that is not how I wanted to be living my life. My mom tells me everyday to stay in school, stay focus, and stay on top of my grades becasue they will matter in the future whether you believe it or not. Many people do not succeed in college becasue they don't have the motivation to do so. But seeing that I have the motivation AND will to do so, my college education will excel in many areas.
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