The first day of college classes was sort of similar to a first day in my high school. Getting to know you activities, syllabus', and a whole lot of talking from the professor on what the course was going to be like. Everyday after that .. was NOTHING like high school!
The course that I was enrolled in was English 1200, a freshman english class. I knew this wasn't going to be an easy task to finish, but I didn't expect the work that was given. When the teacher handed out the syllabus, I looked through it .. and it finally hit me that my life would be officially controlled by this class. A four and a half page narrative due EVERY week and to read a hundred pages of Barack Obama's, "Dreams from My Father"every week. I barely read my books at Central, so exactly how was I going to find the motivation to read this? My professsor's name was Helen Fountain, and to tell you tthe truth, she got on my last nerve! Everytime she would ask the class a question and someeone answered it, she would ALWAYS ask "How? Why? What do you mean by that?" At times I wish I could just tell her to shut up and just deal with the answer that was given! But of course, I didn't. As the course went on, I realized that the only reason she did that was to get us to think outside the the box and not to give answers that were such cliches.
The study groups were .. alright? I don't really think they helped me much though, except for given me time to read my book when I didn't do it for homework. Other than tha,t the RTA's just told us something contradicting what our professsor had told us the day before. I think if they would have sat in on more of our classes then they would be able to better understand what it was we were supposed to be doing instead of making plans for that particular day, and then having to change them on spot because we either already did it or haven't reached that stage yet.
The campus itself was great overall, except for the parking violation that I recieved. I couldn't find a close student parking area, so I chose to park in the teacher's lot near the library not thinking that they took the time to notice things like that. But of course when I came out of class, I was greeted with a wonder thirty dollar ticket for parking in an unauthorized lot. Lucky for me, I got it waived the next day (: The food on campus was the main attraction! I was not really used to having three meals a day avaliable at school, and an all you can eat buffett at that! But trust, I got well adjusted to that ASAP!
Even though this experience was not what I expected it to be, it introduced me to my bestfriend, prioritization, and my worst enemy, procrastination. Also it showed me college life looking from the inside out when all my life I have been looking from the outside in.
The course that I was enrolled in was English 1200, a freshman english class. I knew this wasn't going to be an easy task to finish, but I didn't expect the work that was given. When the teacher handed out the syllabus, I looked through it .. and it finally hit me that my life would be officially controlled by this class. A four and a half page narrative due EVERY week and to read a hundred pages of Barack Obama's, "Dreams from My Father"every week. I barely read my books at Central, so exactly how was I going to find the motivation to read this? My professsor's name was Helen Fountain, and to tell you tthe truth, she got on my last nerve! Everytime she would ask the class a question and someeone answered it, she would ALWAYS ask "How? Why? What do you mean by that?" At times I wish I could just tell her to shut up and just deal with the answer that was given! But of course, I didn't. As the course went on, I realized that the only reason she did that was to get us to think outside the the box and not to give answers that were such cliches.
The study groups were .. alright? I don't really think they helped me much though, except for given me time to read my book when I didn't do it for homework. Other than tha,t the RTA's just told us something contradicting what our professsor had told us the day before. I think if they would have sat in on more of our classes then they would be able to better understand what it was we were supposed to be doing instead of making plans for that particular day, and then having to change them on spot because we either already did it or haven't reached that stage yet.
The campus itself was great overall, except for the parking violation that I recieved. I couldn't find a close student parking area, so I chose to park in the teacher's lot near the library not thinking that they took the time to notice things like that. But of course when I came out of class, I was greeted with a wonder thirty dollar ticket for parking in an unauthorized lot. Lucky for me, I got it waived the next day (: The food on campus was the main attraction! I was not really used to having three meals a day avaliable at school, and an all you can eat buffett at that! But trust, I got well adjusted to that ASAP!
Even though this experience was not what I expected it to be, it introduced me to my bestfriend, prioritization, and my worst enemy, procrastination. Also it showed me college life looking from the inside out when all my life I have been looking from the outside in.
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