Overrall my stay at Sctott Hall was amazing. I've stayed on different campuses before, but nothing that compared to this experience. Meeting so many new people and interacting with some on a personal level was the best part! I usually come off as an extremely shy person, but it was something about this group of individuals that allowed me to be myself at all times. Even though we could never get through a meeting without going into a new topic every two minutes and stay on the scheduled time .. this group had lots of creative potential.
Joggling classes with Summer Scholar activites itself was extremely frustrating. I'm somewhat used to having lots on my plate dealing with high school, cheerleading, and many clubs.. but nothing prepared me for this! The first couple of days were very chilled and laidback due to the fact that it was the weekend, and classes were the last things on our minds! But then .. it came, the first day of class. Getting that syllabus and turning to the assignment page was the worst! We had to read about 25 pages everynight and there was a narrative paper due every week. The RTA's planned many activities and informatinal meetings throughout the day that were mandatory so having time to study and do the work was limited. I also had to sacrafice two absences of cheerleading practice to be able to attend my classes on time.
My interaction with many of the RTA's were sort of limited, but whenever I did it was usually about informative issues such as what we had to do and when we were expected to do it. When I was first introduced to the advisors I was pretty skeptical on what their personalities would be like. Could I be goofy around them? What would their impression of me be? How well would they relate to me? All these questions were answered withins the first couple of days. Every single one was just like us. Even though they were college students, they weren't uptight about everything as I thought. They made jokes with us, gave us advice, guided us through our days of classes and kept us in line when it was needed. If the RTA's were not present, I don't think as much confidence would have been brought out by the students.
Going home for the first time after five days together was so different.. and lonely, not hearing the laughter and voices in the hallways, not hearing the endless argumentative opinions in our discussions. Life will never be the same after that week, so many wonderful experiences I would never take back. (:
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